Chairman of PBNU, Will Indonesia Lose if the Israeli National Team Comes?

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Jumat, 24 Mar 2023 14:39 0 9 Ilham Saputra – Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU), Yahya Cholil Staquf, commented on the pros and cons of the arrival of the Israeli national team at the U-20 World Cup in Indonesia. According to him, the arrival of the Israeli national team to Indonesia also did not harm Palestine.

“I don’t think it’s a problem. Not necessarily Palestine loses. Now if Israel comes here, will the Palestinians lose? Not really. The important thing is to strengthen Indonesia’s position in international and multilateral platforms,” Yahya said after meeting Jokowi at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, Friday (24/3/2023).

The struggle for Palestinian independence is not only voiced against the arrival of the Israeli national team

Yahya said defending Palestinian independence should not only shout against Israel’s arrival. But, there needs to be concrete action.

“If I think now that there is a lot of FIFA about the rejection of Israel and others, I actually hope that when I think about Palestine, want to defend Palestine, they don’t just shout and sleep. What to do next? Where is the solution going? This is something to think about,” he said.

“I think if we look at the landscape of the existing problems, the first thing that must be done is that it was internationalism and multilateralism and this is the mandate of the proclamation, from the founding fathers of the nation,” he continued.

According to him, if only talk about rejecting, there is no use for Palestine. Yahya said Indonesia must have a strong position in the international world if it wants to fight for Palestinian independence.

“When it comes to FIFA, if we just reject Israel don’t come to sleep, what’s the use for the Palestinians? It’s useless either. But if we develop Indonesia’s positioning through FIFA, it is so that we really have a position,” he said.

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