Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Humainty – The handling of refugees and asylum seekers is carried out through the Desk for Handling Foreign Refugees and Human Trafficking (P2LNPM) under the Coordinating Ministry for Polhukam. In coordination with UNHCR and IOM, the Government facilitated approximately 13,840 refugees and asylum seekers spread across various regions in Indonesia regardless of Indonesia’s status as a non-State Party to the 1951 Refugee Convention.

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In handling refugees and asylum seekers from abroad in Indonesia, especially in emergency situations, the Government of Indonesia consistently gives special consideration based on humanitarian principles and global human rights aspirations, and respects the principles of international customs in handling refugees such as non-refoulement.

The Government has issued Presidential Regulation no. 125/2016 on Handling Refugees from Abroad which is used as a normative and coordinating basis for Ministries/Institutions and in handling refugees from abroad with the involvement of the role of Regional Governments. The Presidential Regulation regulates the stages of handling refugees in Indonesia at the time of discovery, security, temporary placement, and immigration supervision.

As a follow-up to the Presidential Regulation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights are currently drafting a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Government of Indonesia and UNHCR related to Refugee Data Sharing. The MoU is expected to increase government supervision of refugees in Indonesia, as well as reduce the potential entry of refugees through regular channels (pure immigration violators).

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